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1. High Inflation: Low Default Risk AND Low Equity Valuations (with Christian Dorion, Alexandre Jeanneret, and Michael Weber), Review of Financial Studies, 2021

2. Does Household Finance Matter? Small Financial Errors with Large Social Costs (with Raman Uppal), American Economic Review, 2019

3. Stochastic Idiosyncratic Operating Risk and Real Options: Implications for Stock Returns (with Kyung Shim), Journal of Economic Theory, 2016

4.  A Dynamic Equilibrium Model of Imperfectly Integrated Financial Markets (with Nicolas Coeurdacier and Stephane Guibaud), Journal of Economic Theory, 2014

5.  Asset Prices with Heterogeneity in Preferences and Beliefs (with Raman Uppal), Review of Financial Studies, 2014

6.  Monetary Policy and Corporate Default (with Adlai Fisher and Lars Kuehn), Journal of Monetary Economics, 2011

7.  The Aggregate Dynamics of Capital Structure and Macroeconomic Risk (with Lars Kuehn and Ilya Strebulaev), Review of Financial Studies, 2011 (lead article)

8.  Long-Run Risks, Credit Markets, and Financial Structure (with Lars Kuehn and Ilya Strebulaev), American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 2010

9.  The Levered Equity Risk Premium and Credit Spreads: A Unified Framework (with Lars Kuehn and Ilya Strebulaev), Review of Financial Studies, 2010

10.  The Effect of Introducing a Non-Redundant Derivative On the Volatility of Stock-Market Returns When Agents Differ in Risk Aversion (with R Uppal), Review of Financial Studies, 2009

11.  The Role of Risk Aversion and Intertemporal Substitution in Dynamic Consumption-Portfolio Choice with Recursive Utility (with R Uppal), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2006

12.  Imitation in Financial Markets, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 2000

Working Papers


Capital Heterogeneity, Time-To-Build, and Return Predictability by Ding Luo

Tax Collection from Realized Capital Gains on Equity, Paul Ehling, Stathis Tompaidis and Chunyu Yang


Credit Migration and Covered Interest Rate Parity by Gordon Y. Liao


Portfolio Choice with Model Misspecification: A Foundation for Alpha and Beta Portfolios by Raman Uppal and Paolo Zaffaroni


Do Open-market Share Repurchases Supply or Demand Immediacy? by Jankovic and Rinne


Risk-Adjusted Capital Allocation and Misallocation by Joel David, Lukas Schmid and David Zeke


Shifts in Sectoral Wealth Shares and Risk Premia: What Explains Them? by Ravi Bansal, Colin Ward and Amir Yaron


What is the Expected Return on a Stock? by Ian Martin and Christian Wagner


Currency Risk Factors in a Recursive Multi-Country Economy by Riccardo Colacito, Max Croce, Federico Gavazzoni, Robert Ready


Dynamic Noisy Rational Expectations Equilibrium with Information Production and Beliefs-Based Speculation by Detemple and Rindisbacher


A Dynamic Equilibrium Model of ETFs by Semyon Malamud


Learning about Distress by C. Opp


The Redistributive Effects of Monetary Policy by Andrei and Ledoit


The Credit Spread Puzzle - Myth or Reality? by Feldhuetter and Schaefer


Financial Intermediation and Capital Reallocation by H. Ai, K. Li, and F. Yang


The Forward Premium Puzzle in a Two-Country World by I. Martin


Disagreement about Inflation and the Yield Curve by Ehling, Gallmeyer, Heyerdahl-Larsen & Illeditsch


Banks, Liquidity Management and Monetary Policy by Bianchi & Bigio


Generalized Risk Premia by P. Schneider


Demand for Crash Insurance, Intermediary Constraints, and Stock Return Predictability by Chen, Joslin and Ni


Volatility, the Macroeconomy and Asset Prices by Bansal, Kiku, Shaliastovich & Yaron


Systematic Risk, Debt Maturity, and the Term Structure of Credit Spreads by Chen, Xu and Yang


Do Short-selling Constraints Matter? by Cornelli and Yilmaz


BKK the EZ Way (Backus-Kehoe-Kydland the Epstein-Zin Way) by Colacito, Croce, Ho and Howard


Intermediary Leverage Cycles and Financial Stability by Adrian and Boyarchenko


Network Centrality and the Cross Section of Stock Returns by K. Ahern


Speculative Betas by Hong and Sraer


Why Doesn’t Technology Flow from Rich to Poor Countries? by Cole, Greenword, and Sanchez


Robust Assessment of Hedge Fund Performance through Nonparametric Discounting by Almeida and Garcia


Arbitrageurs, Bubbles and Credit Conditions by Prieto and Hugonnier


Optimal Option Portfolio Strategies by Faias and Santa – Clara


Financial Distortions and the Distribution of Global Volatility by M. Eden


Arbitrage-Free Bond Pricing With Dynamic Macroeconomic Models by Gallmeyer. Hollifield, Palomino and Zin


Debt with Endogenous Safety Covenants: Default and Corporate Securities by Detemple and Tian


Agency Conflicts, Investment and Asset Pricing by Albuquerque and Wang


Financial Globalization and Risk Sharing: Welfare and the Optimality of Open Markets by Trzcinka and Ukhov


Generalized Disappointment Aversion and Asset Prices by Routledge and Zin


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