12. Imitation in Financial Markets, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 2000
Working Papers
13. Small Growth and Distress Returns: Two Sides of the Same Coin? (with Kyung Shim), 2014
14. Do the Effects of Individual Behavioral Biases Cancel Out? (with Raman Uppal), 2021
15. Stock Market Liberalization and the Cost of Capital in Emerging Markets, 2009
Capital Heterogeneity, Time-To-Build, and Return Predictability by Ding Luo
Tax Collection from Realized Capital Gains on Equity, Paul Ehling, Stathis Tompaidis and Chunyu Yang
Credit Migration and Covered Interest Rate Parity by Gordon Y. Liao
Do Open-market Share Repurchases Supply or Demand Immediacy? by Jankovic and Rinne
Risk-Adjusted Capital Allocation and Misallocation by Joel David, Lukas Schmid and David Zeke
Shifts in Sectoral Wealth Shares and Risk Premia: What Explains Them? by Ravi Bansal, Colin Ward and Amir Yaron
What is the Expected Return on a Stock? by Ian Martin and Christian Wagner
A Dynamic Equilibrium Model of ETFs by Semyon Malamud
Learning about Distress by C. Opp
The Redistributive Effects of Monetary Policy by Andrei and Ledoit
The Credit Spread Puzzle - Myth or Reality? by Feldhuetter and Schaefer
Financial Intermediation and Capital Reallocation by H. Ai, K. Li, and F. Yang
The Forward Premium Puzzle in a Two-Country World by I. Martin
Disagreement about Inflation and the Yield Curve by Ehling, Gallmeyer, Heyerdahl-Larsen & Illeditsch
Banks, Liquidity Management and Monetary Policy by Bianchi & Bigio
Generalized Risk Premia by P. Schneider
Volatility, the Macroeconomy and Asset Prices by Bansal, Kiku, Shaliastovich & Yaron
Systematic Risk, Debt Maturity, and the Term Structure of Credit Spreads by Chen, Xu and Yang
Do Short-selling Constraints Matter? by Cornelli and Yilmaz
BKK the EZ Way (Backus-Kehoe-Kydland the Epstein-Zin Way) by Colacito, Croce, Ho and Howard
Intermediary Leverage Cycles and Financial Stability by Adrian and Boyarchenko
Network Centrality and the Cross Section of Stock Returns by K. Ahern
Speculative Betas by Hong and Sraer
Why Doesn’t Technology Flow from Rich to Poor Countries? by Cole, Greenword, and Sanchez
Robust Assessment of Hedge Fund Performance through Nonparametric Discounting by Almeida and Garcia
Arbitrageurs, Bubbles and Credit Conditions by Prieto and Hugonnier
Optimal Option Portfolio Strategies by Faias and Santa – Clara
Financial Distortions and the Distribution of Global Volatility by M. Eden
Debt with Endogenous Safety Covenants: Default and Corporate Securities by Detemple and Tian
Agency Conflicts, Investment and Asset Pricing by Albuquerque and Wang
Generalized Disappointment Aversion and Asset Prices by Routledge and Zin